Résumé | Curriculum Vitae
Stephen is a dedicated professional offering more than 15 years of educational technology and instructional design experience in corporate, academic, and healthcare settings. They are a proven leader in digital media, adult education, and cutting-edge pedagogical techniques such as gamification, virtual reality simulation, and collaborative worldbuilding. Additionally, they have a thorough history of leveraging relationships with cross-functional teams to promote engagement while aligning learning initiatives and organizational goals.
Program Administration, Training Management, Universal Design, Accessibility, Virtual Training, Agile Design, Curriculum Development, Situated Cognition, Learning Science, Learning Theory, Project Management, Adult Education, Assessment, ADDIE, Scrum, Apprenticeship, Mentoring
Technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Captivate, Articulate, Figma, Trello, Camtasia, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Audacity, Learning Management Systems (e.g., Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle), Slack, Discord, Asperite
Generated and budgeted $400,000+ annually as administrator of the University of Connecticut’s ‘Two Summers’ Educational Technology Graduate Program.
Authored the highly influential (2012) Review of Educational Research meta-analysis “Our Princess is in Another Castle: A Review of Trends in Serious Gaming for Education,” cited in 1500+ academic and professional peer-reviewed articles.
Authored the first comprehensive book about instructional worldbuilding (The Worldbuilding Workshop: Teaching Critical Thinking and Empathy Through World Modeling, Simulation, and Play) on behalf of MIT Press (releasing Fall 2025).
Developed seven educational games, authored 20+ academic articles, and delivered 80+ keynotes, panels, and presentations about instructional design, adult learning, and technology integration.
Served as academic advisor to over 200 Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral students.
Three-time nominee for the Neag School of Education’s Perry A. Zirkel Teaching Award.
Revolutionized Coram Healthcare’s revenue cycle training and professional development processes.
Co-developed CVS Health’s Company Resource Group for instructional design and training.
Manage 13 direct reports (including designers, analysts, technologists, trainers, and supervisors).
Supervise Coram Healthcare instructional design and one-to-many training for new hires (onboarding) and existing employees (professional development).
Produce budget proposals for the acquisition of contemporary software and training tools.
Present professional development workshops and presentations for CVS Health L&D employees.
Organize job shadowing/role networking programs for Coram Healthcare employees.
Conduct semiannual employee evaluations for the Coram Healthcare Revenue Cycle training team.
Spearhead visioning and project management for the design of web-based training modules.
Develop sustainable infrastructure for instructional design and implementation processes, including organizational redundancy and version control measures.
Instantiate playful learning practices for the CVS Health learning and development community.
PROFESSOR OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY | University of Connecticut (2017 - 2023)
Oversaw admissions and onboarding of each year’s new Two Summers cohort.
Planned content year-over-year to align with updated ISTE technology coaching standards.
Conducted mixed-methods research on adult learning, serious games, and interactive storytelling.
Taught courses in learning sciences (e.g., learning theory, instructional design, educational technology) and digital media (e.g., interactive storytelling, systems design, serious games).
Facilitated faculty transition to online instruction during COVID-19 pandemic, including creation of videos, podcasts, and infographics for UConn’s Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning.
Developed instructional games for teaching and assessment (e.g., EOS-503, Courtroom 600).
Founded and organized the international Frontiers in Playful Learning conference hosted at UConn.
Participated in accreditation preparation for UConn Digital Media & Design program.
Served as key member of the UConn GEOC subcommittee on Digital & Information Literacy.
Held office as UConn Future of Learning and digital information literacy subcommittee chair for authoring and revision of university educational technology standards.
Designed and managed the UConn Educational Technology website (content and interface).
Handled social media and marketing for UConn Educational Technology Graduate Program.
Co-managed Modern Workplace Learning instructional design for Pfizer Corporation
Created graphic design content (i.e., art assets, text copy) for Modern Workplace Learning infographics and other InSync Training, LLC materials
Provided consultative advice during joint meetings between InSync Training, LLC and Pfizer Corporation
Assisted with the development of style and instructional design guidelines for Pfizer Corporation
Advised on issues of instructional game design and gamification for InSync Training, LLC
Wrote, revised, and co-published various articles for the corporate instructional design magazine Training
INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN SPECIALIST | University of Connecticut Health Center (2015 - 2017)
Provided project management guidance to UConn Health’s Faculty Instructional Technology Services Dept.
Co-managed development of flipped classroom course environments in conjunction with Blackboard, Inc.
Developed online, game-infused learning objects to support flipped classroom instructional materials
Co-designed formative and summative portfolios and individual assessment tools for broad-spectrum use within the UCHC medical and dental education programs
Conducted short-, mid-, and long-term visioning for program innovation, research, and development
Co-created webinar and other TED-style instructional tools for dissemination within and between UCHC programs
Provided consultative advice during joint meetings between UCHC administrators, faculty, and stakeholder groups (e.g., recommendations for wise technology integration in assessment and team-based learning contexts)
Created graphic design content (i.e., art assets, text copy) for various UCHC infographics, simulation tools, and other course materials
Collaboratively designed and researched instructional games associated with the university’s Two Summers Master’s Program in Educational Technology
Facilitated revision and implementation of existing educational technology assets for the Two Summers Program
Organized and advised joint meetings for the planning and design of a university game design laboratory
Provided university outreach and instructional design consultation for various private and public institutions (e.g., Pfizer, Jackson Laboratories, ASU Center for Games and Impact, Connecticut Invention Convention)
Produced and presented on multiple research projects involving game and story design
GAME SYSTEMS, NARRATIVE, & UX DESIGNER | Arizona State University (2014 - 2015)
Designed and produced narrative underpinning for the Intel THRIVE Game-Infused Learning Management System
Participated in joint planning meetings between Center for Games & Impact, E-Line Media, and Intel Corporation
Assisted in scheduling and prioritizing Intel THRIVE development Scrum process
Assisted in the design of Intel THRIVE Game-Infused Learning Management System user interface
Conducted ongoing survey of existing learning management system features
Served as design consult for multiple concurrent game development projects (e.g., Quest2Teach)
CO-OWNER, MANAGER, & ARTIST | The Pericles Group, LLC (2010 - Present)
Co-founded the gaming and learning collaborative The Pericles Group, LLC
Served as a lead instructional designer for high school and college curricula (e.g., Latin, STEM, psychology)
Created and implemented game-based learning professional development seminars for Connecticut high schools
Co-developed game-based learning card games for several academic content areas (e.g., Latin, Greek, STEM)
Served as the lead illustrator for online game-based academic courses and educational card games
Managed business networking with K-12 institutions, private organizations/businesses, and individuals
Oversaw educational game development, narrative design, and longitudinal research
Training Manager – Revenue Cycle Training Team (2024 - Present)
Co-Administrator – Educational Tech Program (2017 - 2023)
Co-Coordinator – Game Design Program (2017 - 2023)
Graduate Employee Union Graphic Designer (2014)
Neag Graduate Student Association Tech. Chair (2012 – 2014)
Drum Major – Univ. of Connecticut Marching Band (2007)
Tau Beta Sigma Honorary Music & Service Fraternity (2004 – 2008)
[Nominee] UConn Career Mentor of the Year Award (2023)
[Nominee] Perry A. Zirkel Distinguished Teaching Award (2022)
[Nominee] Perry A. Zirkel Distinguished Teaching Award (2021)
Vernon and Elizabeth Brown Family Scholarship (2013)
2012 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Award (2012)
Comprehensive Exam ‘Distinguished’ Rating (2012)
Presidential Scholar, Cum Laude, Honors Scholar (2003 – 2007)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Educational Psychology | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (08/2010 - 12/2014)
Master of Arts (MA): Curriculum and Instruction | University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT (05/2007 - 05/2008)
Bachelor of Science (BS): Molecular and Cell Biology | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (08/2003 - 05/2007)
Instructional Design, Game Design, Narrative Design, Transmedia Storytelling, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Cognition, Video Games, Gaming, Playful Learning, Research, Training, Teaching, Instructional Technology